In a world that primarily uses digital communications to market their product and services, print advertising and word of mouth still plays a part in building a thriving business. As your print partner and vendor for the products you offer, we have several products that you can use to promote your business to new and returning customers. Here are our top 5 products for you to consider adding to your promotional pieces.

Sample of a brochure with a newborn image.

Brochures and Magazines

These are a great resource to give to your clients as they prepare for their session with you! Include details like a short bio about you, wardrobe inspiration, top locations to photograph in your area, a timeline of what the session will look like, and more. List some of the local businesses that you enjoy working with for outfits, hair, make-up, florists, bakeries, planners, etc. that your client may be interested in. Ask those businesses to display your brochures and magazines in their business to help expand your reach.

Sample of a flat card featuring a high school senior image.

Flat Cards

Creating an eye-catching card promoting your photography is a perfect leave behind for your business. Share them with local businesses, add to community boards, or share with your clients to give to friends. Consider mailing a card to previous clients to create repeat business.

Sample of a folding card featuring an image of a dog with glasses.

Folding Cards

Add a personal touch to your business and send your clients a card right after their session. Tell them how much you enjoyed working with them, comment on a memorable moment that happened, and thank them for booking their session with you. A simple act of gratitude can create a memorable experience so they remember you when they need your services in the future.

Sample of a folio


Displaying your customers’ images on a folio is the most common use of a folio, but have you thought about using them to display your price list in the studio? It’s a great way to list out your packages and top-selling a la carte products.

Sample of a banner with a high school senior image.


If you are needing a way to promote your business in a temporary space, banners are the way to go. They are easy to transport, available in many sizes, and select sizes fit into banner stands. Perfect for indoor and outdoor use.

Looking for More Ideas?

Schedule a time to chat with Paul Kestel, our Business Development Manager. Paul knows a thing or two when it comes to photography and running a successful studio. His vast range of knowledge comes from over 20 years of experience working in the industry. He can help you brainstorm ideas for your business, give you ideas for IPS (in-person sales), and help you update your studio space with new samples. Call Paul at 800-238-3456 ext. 118 or send him an email.